Friday, June 19, 2009


I have exams for the next few school days. I am up late studying and finishing assignments, up early studying, dreaming about English essays and waking up with Math problems on my mind. I feel nervous and a bit stressed. I am not doing my chores and am eating a lot of chocolate. I am looking forward to the exams being over and the holidays to begin.

Oh yeah and I should tell you it is not me actually sitting the exams, it is the first borns first round of exams. I am wondering how I will survive these ones let alone the next two and half years and then ?? tertiary. She has headed off to school for the first two today. ?Five? to go. I am sure we will be fine.

Disclaimer: large portions of this post are exaggerated, we are working hard but actually doing just fine. All my best to those sitting the big ones at the moment.

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