Monday, April 13, 2009

A new start

I have just been browsing thru some old
photos. This is one of my sister and I having a late night dance at a family gathering of Easter 2007.
Easter symbolises rebirth; for us Easter of 2007 was for us a time for a new start, or at least the start of a new idea. An idea was planted for us to move to countries and we decided to contemplate it. A few short months later we had a job and were underway with moving all of us over. Husband and I were both born and have lived all our lives in the same area so moving our family overseas was a big deal. This has been a journey that has taught me a lot about myself, about my relationship with family and friends, our priorities, attraction and creation and that if you want an adventure it helps if you leave the house. Lately I have been finding a lot of new adventures, I know they are good adventures cause I am feeling that great mixture of excitement and fear. Even blogging for me has been a great new adventure, a chance to meet new people and to share some of our lives and adventures. Thank you to those of you who share your adventures. I love to read about them and thanks for stopping by and reading mine.

1 comment:

Cathy {tinniegirl} said...

What a fabulous post. Just what I needed today. A little reminder that life is an adventure if you choose to take it. Thanks.