Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Recipe Monday - Mulled Wine

Yep late again but since I haven't had a chance to write much at all lately I thought I would start my catch up with a recipe that we served last night at out exhibition opening. Perfect way to get folks out on a cold winters evening- a recipe for mid winter happiness. Mandy adapted a recipe from here  

Mulled wine with Brandy
3 cups water
1 cup sugar
1 orange peel and juice
1 cinnamon stick
1 star aniesse
15 cloves
1 bottle of red wine 
1/4 cup brandy
put it all in a crock pot and let it all l infuse, do not boil.
Serve warm

Our version didn't have all the water in so may have been a wee bit strong, but we liked it hehe.
 Forgot to take a photo so I borrowed one.

For more recipes visit Jemma

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