Thursday, May 14, 2009

help I can't stop

Help I am having one of those weeks and can't stop eating chocolate. I need supervision...... and exercise

This isn't the chocolate I am eating today, but I wish I was.... I shared some at Ganache in South Yarra last week, Oohh yuminess, devine yumminess


Anonymous said...

exercise schexercise! you don't really need help...eating chocolate and even excess eating of chocolate is actually quite normal and good for says the law! but if you really need supervision i can help but may actually exacerbate the problem xxxx shelley

Princess kirstie jane said...

Thanks for the offer Shelley but I think we all know that you are really just offering to be my partner in crime. Coffee and chocolate at your place?

Bek said...

Oh my look at that. Something that looks like that can't possibly be bad for you...?

debra said...

my that looks delish. i too have done a lot of chocolate eating this week. maybe the planets are on a major collision course with the great chocolate chariot in the heavens........or some such nonsense as she pops another freddo frog into her mouth...
